
Retailers United is a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization that seeks to re-open America and help those in retail that are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Retailers United consists of a passionate group of fashion industry-related firms and technology businesses. Kay currently sits on the Executive Board alongside Deb Weinswig (CEO & Founder, Coresight Research), Tami Fersko (Group President, LF Americas), Karsten Newbury (Chief Strategy & Digital Officer, Gerber Technology) and Brice Wu (Komodo Health, Head of Engineering).

Retailers United’s objective is to fill the critical need to help save jobs in the retail industry by reorienting manufacturing and supply chains toward essential needs, helping retailers run their businesses safely and keeping retailers in business.

For those on the front lines, whether in health care, delivery or retail, every day they risk their lives, as if in wartime combat. These people need to be properly protected. It is incumbent on those of us who have the skills, connections and platforms to put together solutions like Retailers United.

Retailers United Pitch Competition December 8 2020 Flyer with Judges.jpg