NYSCF Gala & Science Fair 2023
I've had the great pleasure of witnessing first-hand the tremendous strides NYSCF is making to find better treatments for our loved ones through stem cell research- treatments for diabetes, Alzheimers, cancers, & many more- diseases we have all been touched by.
Jerry & Janet Zucker (Stem Cell Heros), Derrick Rossi (NYSCF CEO & Founder of Moderna and the COVID Vaccine), Me
I was a Stem Cell Hero, alongside the incredible Jerry & Janet Zucker and Feng Zhang PhD, at this year’s NYSCF Gala (an embarrassing honorific, but also a cherished one.)
It was an evening I will look back on as fabulous…insightful….emotional….inspiring…powerful…& successful! I am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful organization, raising awareness and funds for their crucial and innovative work.
I even had the humbling honor of addressing the room and getting to speak about why NYSCF’s work with stem cells matters so much, as well as the interesting intersectionality of scientists and creatives all in support of progressing the cause to find cures.